Asad Ullah Aziz

Hey, I'm Asad Ullah Aziz 👋
I'm a software engineer from Lahore, Pakistan

I can help you out with:

  • Back End Development
  • Front End Development
  • System Design
  • Cloud Architecture
  • And more...
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Check out my projects

My Projects

Here are some of my recent projects. I'm always working on something new, so check back often!

TestFuse Hire smarter with job fitness assessments. Job Search Genius Take full control of your job search. CoverAI A Platform for creating cover letters and mastering interview techniques.
View All My Projects

Some of my writing

My Writings

Along with coding I also like to write about life and technology. Here are some of my recent posts.

Browser locally uses AI to remove image backgrounds

Browser locally uses AI to remove image backgrounds

Posted on Jul 14 2024

How to Replace Google Safe Browsing with Cloudflare Zero Trust

How to Replace Google Safe Browsing with Cloudflare Zero Trust

Posted on Jul 14 2024

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© 2024 Asad Ullah Aziz

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